Trannys Crash MA Council Meeting... MUST WATCH
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Stuart Fowler
2025-02-15 23:01:17 UTC
This one is a keeper.
Just look at these left wing freaks!
A guy with a beard and pigtails?
These freaks should be sent to the nearest mental hospital.
Nearest cemetary. Mass has always been a queer haven. Let them have these nutjobs.

The city will look like Portland, Seattle, West Hollywood and San Francisco in no time.
'The Worcester City Council has voted to make the central Massachusetts
city a “sanctuary” for “transgender and gender diverse” individuals.
A two-hour public comment portion was chaotic and wild before Tuesday’s
vote. A video of the speakers has gone viral on social media.
According to the resolution, which passed with a 9-2 vote, the city
“reiterates its commitment to transgender rights and equal protections
for transgender community members, and declares itself a sanctuary city
and a place of safety for transgender and gender diverse people.”
“As a result of anti-transgender legislation throughout our nation, many
individuals and families are relocating to states such as Massachusetts
that are more accepting and offer inclusive services,” the resolution
The Boston Globe reports, “The resolution also declares that the city
should expend no municipal resources toward detaining people for ‘solely
seeking or providing’ gender-affirming care, and that the city won’t
cooperate with the federal government on ‘policies aimed to harm
transgender and gender diverse people,’ and ensure that those
communities can access healthcare, education, housing, and work without
‘fear or discrimination.'”
When asked if the resolution would result in the city losing federal
funding under the Trump administration, City Solicitor Alexandra
Kalkounis indicated it is possible.
Worcester Mayor Joseph Petty said he is willing to take the risk,
according to a report from Mass Live.
“We’re passing a resolution,” Petty said. “It’s just saying, hey, we got
your back.”
“That’s all it’s saying,” Petty added. “And that’s what people are
looking for. So they can go home and sleep safe at night here in the
city of Worcester.”
The council members who voted against the resolution, Morris A. Bergman
and Donna M. Colorio, are now being attacked by the LGBTQ community and
other leftist activists for their position. They have both maintained
that they voted against it to protect the city from losing federal
Lock some of those queers up for civil rights violations. See how they like that.
Siri Cruise
2025-02-16 01:35:10 UTC
city a “ y” for “t e”
Needs more junk characters.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed