Trump Campaign Press Release - Nothing To Be Proud Of: The Biden LGBT Record?
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2024-04-22 07:31:33 UTC
From deeming gay Americans "security risks" to voting for DOMA, Biden is
far from the champion for LGBT Americans that he claims to be.

Key Takeaways:

This afternoon, the Biden campaign is hosting a high-dollar LGBT virtual
However, Biden's record shows he was no leader on LGBT rights
In 1973, Biden suggested that gay federal employees were "security risks"
In 1993, Biden voted to block the immigration of HIV+ individuals into the
United States
In 1993, Biden voted for the bill that created "Don't Ask Don't Tell"
In 1994, Biden voted to cut off federal funding for schools that taught
"acceptance of homosexuality as a lifestyle"
For decades, Biden opposed same-sex marriage
In 1996, Biden voted for the Defense Of Marriage Act, which defined
marriage as between one man and one woman
In the 2000s, Biden claimed that same-sex marriage was a "state" issue and
repeatedly said that marriage was "between a man and a woman"
Biden refused to characterize a Constitutional marriage amendment as
"writing discrimination into the Constitution"
Biden suggested he was opposed to the "timing" of the marriage amendment,
not its substance
In 2008, both before and after he became Obama's Vice-Presidential
nominee, Biden said he opposed same-sex marriage
Biden is falsely claiming he was the first major leader to support same-
sex marriage
12 years before Biden did, Vice President Dick Cheney opposed federal
restrictions on same-sex marriage
Biden wasn't even the first Obama Cabinet member to support same-sex
In 2012, after Biden accidentally supported same-sex marriage, his staff
and White House aides attempted to clean up and walk back Biden's remarks,
saying he had not actually endorsed it

In 1973, Biden Suggested That Gay Federal Employees Were "Security Risks"

In 1973, Responding To A Question About Gays Serving In The U.S. Civil
Service Or The Military, Biden Said That He Has Not Given It Much Thought
But His "Gut Reaction...Is That They [Homosexuals] Are Security Risks."
"Biden also agreed to answer later by mail a series of questions on U.S.
Civil Service and military job discrimination which Robert Vane, a gay
activist, presented him. Vane a North Star resident, startled Biden with
his sudden queries and sent at least three persons storming from the room
when he identified his cause. 'My gut reaction,' Biden told Vane, 'is that
they [homosexuals] are security risks but I must admit I havent' given
this much thought...I'll be darned!'" (Hugh Cutler, "Gay Activist Gets
Biden's 'Gut Reaction,'" The Morning News [Wilmington, DE], 9/25/73)


In February 1993, Biden Voted For An Amendment To Block The Immigration Of
HIV+ Individuals. (S.Amdt. 39 To S. 1, Roll Call Vote #13, 76-23, 2/18/93,
Biden Voted Yea)

Biden Voted For An Amendment To Codify The Department Of Health And Human
Services' Prohibition Of the Permanent Immigration Of HIV+ Individuals.
"Vote on Senator Don Nickles' (R-OK) amendment to codify the Department of
Health and Human Services' prohibition of the permanent immigration of
HIV+ individuals. The amendment passed by a vote of 76-23: R 42-1, D 34-
22. HRCF opposed this amendment." ("Senate Votes Of The 103rd Congress,"
Human Rights Campaign, Accessed 6/18/20; "Senate Voting Records – 103rd
Congress," Human Rights Campaign, Accessed 6/18/20)


Biden Claimed He Was "Ambivalent On The Issue" But Voted For The
Amendment, Saying The Issue Was "Bigger Than Whether HIV Should Be On The
List Or Off The List." "Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., Delaware Democrat, said
he was ambivalent on the issue but ultimately sided against Mr. Clinton.
'One side of me says just let the public health officials make the
decision, and both Republican and Democratic officials have agreed on it
[to drop the ban],' he said. 'But it seems to me the policy is bigger than
whether HIV should be on the list or off the list.'" (Carol Innerst,
"Senate Passes HIV Ban – Clinton Opposed Immigration Rule," The Washington
Times, 2/19/93)

In 1993, Biden Voted For Don't Ask Don't Tell, Which Kicked 14,500
Servicemembers Out Of The U.S. Military

In 1993, Biden Voted For The National Defense Authorization Act Of 1994.
(Conference Report To H.R. 2401, Roll Call Vote #380: Passed 77-22-1; R:
26-18; D: 51-4-1, 11/17/93, Biden Voted Yea)

The 1994 NDAA Contained The "Don't Ask Don't Tell" Policy Which Prohibited
Gay Americans From Serving In The Military. "The ambiguities in the
Clinton Administration's interpretation of the policy, as well as
conflicting legal rulings at the time, seemingly encouraged Congress to
act. On November 30, 1993, the FY1994 National Defense Authorization Act
was signed into law by President Clinton (P.L. 103-160). Section 571 of
the law, codified at 10 United States Code 654, describes homosexuality in
the ranks as an 'unacceptable risk ... to morale, good order, and
discipline.' The law codified the grounds for discharge as follows: (1)
the member has engaged in, attempted to engage in, or solicited another to
engage in a homosexual act or acts; (2) the member states that he or she
is a homosexual or bisexual; or (3) the member has married or attempted to
marry someone of the same sex. The law also stated that DOD would brief
new entrants (accessions) and members about the law and policy on a
regular basis." (David Burrelli, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": The Law and
Military Policy on Same-Sex Behavior," Congressional Research Service,
More Than 14,500 Service Members Were Discharged From The Military For
Violating The "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy Between 1994 And 2011.
"14,500 US service personnel have been thrown out of military service
since the DADT policy took effect, according to the non-profit watchdog
and lobby group, the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network." (Karen McVeigh
and Paul Harris, "US Military Lifts Ban On Openly Gay Troops," The
Guardian, 9/20/11)

In 1994, Biden Voted For An Amendment To Cut Off Federal Funding For
Schools That Taught "Acceptance Of Homosexuality As A Lifestyle"

In August 1994, Biden Was One Of 23 Democrats To Vote For S.Amdt. 2434.
(S.Amdt. 2434 to S.Amdt. 2433 to S. 1513, Roll Call Vote #244: Passed 63-
36-1; R: 40-3-1; D: 23-33, 8/1/94; Biden Voted Yea)

The Amendment "Cut Off Federal Funds To Any School District That Teaches
Acceptance Of Homosexuality As A Lifestyle." "The Senate voted Monday to
cut off federal funds to any school district that teaches acceptance of
homosexuality as a lifestyle. The 63-36 vote on a proposal by Sens. Jesse
Helms, R-N.C., and Sen. Bob Smith, R-N.H., came during debate on
reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which
provides $12.5 billion in federal funds to the nation's public schools."
(Robert Naylor, Jr., "Senate Votes To Cut Aid To Schools With Pro-Gay
Stance," The Associated Press, 8/1/94)

In 1998, Biden's Home State Newspaper Described Him As Being Relatively
Silent On Gay Rights

In 1998, Delaware Pride Board Member Vicki Morelli Said That "None" Of
Delaware's Congressional Delegation, Including Biden, Had "Come Out As
Incredibly Outspoken One Way Or The Other ... They're All Good Enough
Politicians That They Know Not To Make Hateful Comments Against Gays, Yet
Not To Fight So Vigorously For Gay Rights That Alienate Voters." "But
Vicky Morelli, a board member of the gay rights group Delaware Pride, said
the delegation runs the gamut. 'Biden has usually been pro-gay about 80
percent of the time,' she said. 'Roth has been against us about 90 percent
of the time. Castle has sort of flip-flopped. 'None of them have come out
as incredibly outspoken one way or the other – which could be a good
thing,' she said. 'But it makes them hard to pin down on certain things.'
They're all good enough politicians that they know not to make hateful
comments against gays, yet not to fight so vigorously for gay rights that
alienate voters, she said." (Carl Weiser, "GOP Attacks Gays; Del.
Lawmakers Stay Quiet On Issues," The News Journal, 7/26/98)



In 1996, Biden Voted For The Defense Of Marriage Act

In 1996, Biden Voted For The Defense Of Marriage Act (DOMA). "Defense of
Marriage Act - Amends the Federal judicial code to provide that no State,
territory, or possession of the United States or Indian tribe shall be
required to give effect to any marriage between persons of the same sex
under the laws of any other such jurisdiction or to any right or claim
arising from such relationship. Establishes a Federal definition of: (1)
'marriage' as only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband
and wife; and (2) 'spouse' as only a person of the opposite sex who is a
husband or wife." (H.R. 3396, Roll Call Vote #280, Passed 85-14, 9/10/96)

The Defense Of Marriage Act Defined Marriage "As Only A Legal Union
Between One Man And One Woman As Husband And Wife." (H.R. 3396, Introduced
DOMA "Defined Marriage As Between A Man And A Woman And Allowed States Not
To Recognize Same-Sex Marriages." "The measure defined marriage as between
a man and a woman and allowed states not to recognize same-sex marriages.
Same-sex couples could not claim federal benefits. Biden was one of 85
senators to vote in favor." (Jon Greenberg, "Progressive Democratic
Group's Attack On Joe Biden's Voting Record Needs Some Context,"
PolitiFact, 4/26/19)

In The 2000s, During Discussion Of A Constitutional Marriage Amendment,
Biden Called Same Sex Marriage A "State Issue," Repeatedly Saying
"Marriage Is Between A Man And A Woman"

In February 2004, Biden Said He Opposed President Bush's Proposed Marriage
Amendment, But Did So By Describing It As Unnecessary And Touting His
Prior Vote For The Defense Of Marriage Act. (Erin Kelly, "Amendment
Unnecessary, Delaware Senators Say," The News Journal [Delaware], 2/26/04)

Biden: "As President Bush Said On A Previous Occasion, This Issue Should
Be Left To The States. I Agree. That's Why I Voted For The Defense Of
Marriage Act, Which Defines Marriage As 'A Union Between One Man And One
Woman' And Does Not Require Any State To Recognize A Same-Sex Union
Sanctioned Under The Laws Of Another State." (Erin Kelly, "Amendment
Unnecessary, Delaware Senators Say," The News Journal [Delaware], 2/26/04)
Biden: "This Has Long Been A State Issue, And It Should Remain That Way."
(Erin Kelly, "Amendment Unnecessary, Delaware Senators Say," The News
Journal [Delaware], 2/26/04)


In June 2006, Biden Said He Did Not Oppose A Federal Marriage
Constitutional Amendment On Substance, But That He Opposed "The Timing" Of
The Amendment. JOHN ROBERTS: "So -- s, are you more against the amendment
itself or the timing of it?" SENATOR JOE BIDEN (D-DE): "I'm against the
timing of it. Look, marriage is between a man and a woman. Tell me why
that has to be put in the Constitution now? We already have a federal law
that has not been challenged. No one's declared it unconstitutional. It's
the law of the land, saying marriage is between a man and a woman." (CNN's
"Anderson Cooper 360," 6/5/06)


Biden Said He Did Not Know Whether A Federal Marriage Amendment Would Be
"Writing Discrimination Into The Constitution" As Mary Cheney Had
Characterized It. JOHN ROBERTS: "You also have Mary Cheney and Russ
Feingold both saying that, to pass this amendment, would be to write
discrimination into the Constitution. Is this really writing
discrimination into the Constitution?" SENATOR JOE BIDEN (D-DE): "Look, I
don't -- I don't know whether it would be writing discrimination into the
Constitution. But it doesn't warrant the Constitution. There's a lot of
things that don't need to be in the Constitution. And what we have always
-- marriage has always been something we left to the states. We don't pass
a federal law saying what age you can be married or not married. States
have different ages. We don't pass a federal law telling you the
conditions on which you can get married, who can marry you, how you can
get married." (CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360," 6/5/06)


June 2006, Biden: "Marriage Is Between A Man And A Woman And States Must
Respect That." TIM RUSSERT: "The president used his radio address
yesterday, and tomorrow in the Rose Garden, to talk about a constitutional
amendment to ban gay marriage." SENATOR JOE BIDEN (D-DE): "You know, think
about this. The world's going to Hades in a handbasket. We are desperately
concerned about the circumstance relating to avian flu—we don't have
enough vaccines, we don't have enough police officers—and we're going to
debate, the next three weeks, I'm told, gay marriage, a flag amendment,
and God only knows what else. I can't believe the American people can't
see through this. We already have a law, the Defense of Marriage Act.
We've all voted—not, where I've voted, and others have said, look,
marriage is between a man and a woman and states must respect that.
Nobody's violated that law, there's been no challenge to that law. Why do
we need a constitutional amendment? Marriage is between a man and a
woman." (NBC's "Meet The Press," 6/4/06)


During The 2008 Presidential Campaign, Biden Refused To Back Gay Marriage

Asked At A July 2007 Campaign Event If "In The Next Five Years, If You're
President, Do You See Gay Marriage In The Future," Biden Said "I Don't."
QUESTION: "I have to ask you this because it does affect me and my family
directly. But if, in the next five years, if you're president, do you see
gay marriage in the future?" SENATOR JOE BIDEN (D-DE): "I don't. Here's
what I do see. I see an absolute guarantee of civil union with the exact
same rights. Now, here's the dilemma. Here's the dilemma. The truth of the
matter is states have made legal, through licensing, the performance of
marriage what religions have essentially consecrated. That's how they view
it." (Kimberly Schwandt, "In His Own Words: Vice President Biden's
Evolving View On Gay Marriage," Fox News, 12/24/10)

During The 2008 Vice Presidential Debate, Then-Senator Biden Said
"[Neither] Barack Obama Nor I Support Redefining From A Civil Side What
Constitutes Marriage." "'In an Obama-Biden administration, there will be
absolutely no distinction from a constitutional standpoint or a legal
standpoint between a same-sex and a heterosexual couple,' said Biden,
referring to his Democratic partner, Barack Obama. Asked if he would
support gay marriage, Biden said: 'No. Barack Obama nor I support
redefining from a civil side what constitutes marriage.'" (Andy Sullivan,
"Palin, Biden Agree On Gay Rights At Debate," Reuters, 10/2/08)

GWEN IFILL: "Let's Try To Avoid Nuance, Senator. Do You Support Gay
Marriage?" SENATOR JOE BIDEN (D-DE): "No." (Sen. Joe Biden, Remarks At A
Democratic Debate, St. Louis, MO, 10/2/08)


Biden Has Falsely Claimed He Was The First Major Leader To Support Same-
Sex Marriage

At The February 7 Democrat Debate, Biden Claimed He Was The First Major
Leader Holding Public Office To Call For Same-Sex Marriage. JOE BIDEN:
"And I was the first major leader holding public office to call for same
sex marriage. So I don't know what about the past of Barack Obama and Joe
Biden was so bad." (Joe Biden, Remarks At Democrat Debate, Manchester, NH,


At The March 15 Democrat Debate, Biden Repeated The Claim That He Was The
First Person Of Any Administration "To Go On National Television" In
Support Of Gay Marriage. JOE BIDEN: "And by the way, I might add, I'm the
first person to go on national television in any administration and say I
supported gay marriage. I supported gay marriage when asked. And so it
started a ripple effect. I'm not taking all credit for it, but I'm the
first major player to say I support gay marriage on national television."
(Joe Biden, Remarks At Democrat Debate, Washington, DC, 3/15/20)


Other Prominent Officials, Including Republicans, Voiced Support And
Openness To Same-Sex Marriage Long Before Biden Did

In 2000, Vice Presidential Nominee Dick Cheney "Spoke Out In Favor Of Gay
Marriage And Rights." "Dick Cheney spoke out in support of gay marriage
and rights during the 2000 vice presidential debate, breaking with his
running mate George W. Bush and earning the support of the progressive
Human Rights Campaign. 'The historical record is clear,' PolitiFact wrote.
'Cheney spoke out in favor of gay marriage during the 2000 vice
presidential debate, saying, 'freedom means freedom for everybody... I
think we ought to do everything we can to tolerate and accommodate
whatever kind of relationships people want to enter into.' He said any
'official sanction' of same-sex relationships should be left to states --
not the federal government.'" (Greg Re, "'Security Risks?' Biden's Past
Rhetoric On Gay Rights Could Complicate LGBT Claims On Campaign Trail,"
Fox News, 6/26/20)


Click To Watch

Multiple Prominent Democrats Came Out In Support Of Gay Marriage Before
Biden. "Beyond Cheney, many Democrats also supported gay marriage before
Biden. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., opposed DOMA in 1996, when 14 senators
voted against the legislation. Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., supported gay
marriage in 2011, and Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., also came out for gay
marriage in 2009. A slew of other local officials, including then-San
Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, also backed gay marriage before Biden."
(Greg Re, "'Security Risks?' Biden's Past Rhetoric On Gay Rights Could
Complicate LGBT Claims On Campaign Trail," Fox News, 6/26/20)

In November 2011, Obama HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan "Became The First
Sitting Cabinet Secretary To Announce Support For Marriage Equality,"
Nearly A Half-Year Before Biden's Endorsement. "U.S. Housing and Urban
Development Secretary Shaun Donovan became the first sitting cabinet
secretary to announce support for marriage equality, saying on Nov. 15
that he 'absolutely' supports marriage equality in an exclusive interview
with Metro Weekly. ... He talked about how the [New York gay marriage]
law's passage had affected those around him, saying, 'So many friends that
I know were able to achieve a dream the day that law passed. And so many
neighbors. It made me proud to be a New Yorker – not enough to get me to
move back. We've got more work to do in the Obama administration in a
second term.' Asked if that included marriage equality, Donovan confirmed
it did, saying, 'Like marriage equality.'" (Chris Geidner, "HUD Secretary
Supports Marriage Equality," Metro Weekly, 11/15/11)

As Of June 2011, The Obama White House Was Signaling It Intended To Back
Same Sex Marriage, Nearly A Year Before Biden Endorsed It

In June 2011, The New York Times Reported That The Obama White House Was
Already Looking At How Obama Could Announce Support For Same Sex Marriage.
"The White House would not comment on whether Mr. Obama was ready to
endorse same-sex marriage. But one Democratic strategist close to the
White House, speaking only on the condition of anonymity, said some senior
advisers 'are looking at the tactics of how this might be done if the
president chose to do it.' ... And Representative Barney Frank, a
Massachusetts Democrat who is gay, said in an interview that a top adviser
to Mr. Obama, whom he would not name, asked him this year, 'What would be
the effect if he came out for same-sex marriage?' 'My own view is that I
look at President Obama's record, he was probably inclined to think that
same-sex marriage was legitimate, but as a candidate for president in 2008
that would have been an unwise thing to say,' Mr. Frank said. 'And I don't
mean that he's being hypocritical. I mean that if you live in a democratic
society, it is a mix of what you think the voters want and what you think
is doable.'" (Sheryl Gay Stolberg, "Obama's Views On Gay Marriage
'Evolving,'" The New York Timesž6/18/11)

Biden And Obama White House Aides Insisted Biden Did Not Endorsed Gay
Marriage During His 2012 Meet The Press Interview

In May 2012, After Biden Signaled Support For Same Sex Marriage On An
Interview With Meet The Press, Top Obama White House Officials Immediately
Sought to Walk Back Biden's Comments. "Despite his record, in several
presidential debates this year, Biden questionably claimed that he was the
first major political leader to support gay marriage when he unexpectedly
broke with Obama during a 2012 interview with 'Meet the Press.' At the
time, Obama said he was 'evolving' and wrestling with the issue, and top
Obama administration officials immediately sought to walk back Biden's
comments in the interview -- including through written statements and
tweets. 'Chaos ... erupted inside the West Wing after an e-mailed
transcript of the interview landed in the in-box of the White House press
team,' according to an insider account by investigative reporter Jo
Becker." (Greg Re, "'Security Risks?' Biden's Past Rhetoric On Gay Rights
Could Complicate LGBT Claims On Campaign Trail," Fox News, 6/26/20)

Biden's Office Gave A Statement To NBC Saying That Biden Was Speaking On
His Own, Not On Behalf Of The Administration, And That Biden "Had Not
Fully Endorsed" Same-Sex Marriage. "Biden's office, however, would tell
NBC's Chuck Todd, shortly after the 'Meet the Press' interview concluded,
that he was speaking on his own and not on behalf of the administration.
UPDATE: A spokesperson for the vice president further clarified the 'Meet
the Press' remarks, stating in part that Biden had not fully endorsed
same-sex marriage. 'The vice president was saying what the president has
said previously – that committed and loving same-sex couples deserve the
same rights and protections enjoyed by all Americans, and that we oppose
any effort to rollback those rights. That's why we stopped defending the
constitutionality of section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act in legal
challenges and support legislation to repeal it. Beyond that, the Vice
President was expressing that he too is evolving on the issue, after
meeting so many committed couples and families in this country.' Biden
never explicitly said that he backed marriage equality, but he implied it.
The follow-up comments tamping down expectations and reports, from both
the vice president's office and Axelrod, underscore just how tricky that
implication remains." (Sam Stein, "Joe Biden Tells 'Meet The Press' He's
'Comfortable' With Marriage Equality," The Huffington Post, 5/6/12)

Donald J. Trump, Trump Campaign Press Release - Nothing To Be Proud Of:
The Biden LGBT Record? Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The
American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/345575

Governor Swill
2024-04-23 01:58:19 UTC
On Mon, 22 Apr 2024 09:31:33 +0200 (CEST), "Transheuser-Busch" wrote:

Another cowardly troll does a drive by ...
Post by Transheuser-Busch
From deeming gay Americans "security risks" to voting for DOMA, Biden is
far from the champion for LGBT Americans that he claims to be.
This afternoon, the Biden campaign is hosting a high-dollar LGBT virtual
However, Biden's record shows he was no leader on LGBT rights
But he's not Donald Trump.

How is the GOP going to get past the fact that their candidate is Donald Trump?

Conservative thinking only predicts the past. - R Kym Horsell


https://www.forwardparty.com/ . .

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